Diskuze a otázky - kolik je 200 slov?

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uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:47:03 |

když to nechci počítat...
slohovka z aj...
jak je to asi dlouhej text....


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uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:53:16

internet je bomba viď?

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:52:33

to máš tak dvojnásobek

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:51:43

aha ta to nic moc to je prej 65 to jsem teda myslela že víc...

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:51:12

domaci: proč? že neřešim vzhled a hubnutí ale školu.. víš jsem ve čtvrtáku tak musím mít jiný zájmy než pařby a to jak vypadám nebo jak vypadaj ostatní !20!

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:50:32

Si to dej do wordu, ten ti to spočítá.

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:50:26

ty chyby už opravuju tak to za mě dělat nemusíte at nejsem pro ostudu že neumim napsat ani blbej sloh .. jsem jen asleep !906!!906!!906!


Maroka002 | 23. 11. 2008, 22:50:12 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

ráda bych si to přečetla kdybych takovej jazyk uměla,ale 200 slov je 200 slov,věř tomu nebo ne!!!!811!


-FLASHA- | 23. 11. 2008, 22:50:07 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

tak si spocitej kolik slov mas na radku a pak kolik mas radku a vynasob probohaaaaa


domaciputka | 23. 11. 2008, 22:49:27 | více příspěvků | napsat uživateli

ty tvoje diskuse jsou teda fakt záživný..........!20!

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:49:06


uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:48:51

něco jako tohle nebo to musím ještě víc obsáhle???

I have never known how funny and useful school practise can be. True, sometimes it very tiring and i often say, what do i do here? Why am i not sleeping in my warm bed?

How did I start my practise? Firstly we was going to Uran restaurant for kitchen helping sometimes in pairs instead technology of meal preparing lessons. It was very boring, unusefull job i think, cause we did almost nothing. Only help with cutting of onion or washing the dishes. And always we returned home from the kitchen we smelt very bad……or maybe it would be better say stung. In the end of first class we also participated of waitress praction in the same restaurant. This experience was more wonderful than working in kitchen, but unfortunatelly i couldnt remember many things from this time, cause its many time ago.

But the think i remember very well is my first cathering experience in Sazka arena Hall. It was galadinner for about five thousand people from czech-moravia building institution. We was young, worried and very nervous children. And had to divide into groups and mix with other foreign students from other gastronomic schools. So we was closely to crie in the begining of the event. But luckily we bravely outstayed this dividation and also first bad words how silly and ham-handed we are. But next problem was we didnt train bringing of two plates in one hand before so we could bring two plates only. But our chefs got used very quickly. So throught first problems this action wasnt so terrible, but on the other hand we was very tired and stressed, cause it was our first job here.
But because i was very wondering and very fast i got used to earn money i started to work almost everywhere and favoured it early. It was very interesting feeling to watch younger and younger students at various actions and compare their behaviour with mine. In the begining i was nervous pupil and i didnt know what should i afford. But how the time went i started to be more and more cheeky and in the end was the one, who advised younger schoolmates when they can have a break, where to go for cigarete or what they could taste.

Only one place i havent never favoured is Grandhotel Pupp. I cant explain why. But i spent here my summer practise and few cathering days. But it was very

uživatel eliminován | 23. 11. 2008, 22:47:57

jeden větší odstavec, dva menší ... 200 slov není moc, to je pár vět

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